string along

英 [strɪŋ əˈlɒŋ] 美 [strɪŋ əˈlɔːŋ]

哄骗; 愚弄


  1. PHRASAL VERB 哄骗;愚弄
    If you string someone along, you deceive them by letting them believe you have the same desires, beliefs, or hopes as them.
    1. She took advantage of him, stringing him along even after they were divorced.


  1. For example, if the server receives a New e-mail from mark@ developerWorks string, it will find the e-mail keyword and show a mail picture, along with the full text in the lower right-hand corner.
  2. Common primitive types are string, integer and boolean; however, as you'll see a little further along in this article, you can also map an element to an array or a custom class.
  3. For each row retrieved from the cursor call, the element was appended to the string along with a delimiter.
  4. The biggest change to the execute() method is the introduction of the Map [ String, String] parameter, along with the "if" test based on its size.
  5. It defines a string property named companyName, which is used on the generated PDF invoice along with the order number and total.
  6. Basically, in order to fit inside a box, a string has to be coiled up. This means the end of the string lies parallel to different segments along the length of the string.
  7. So, mum puts a bamboo stick there and ties a string so that the shoot can grow along it.
  8. I'm not just some plucky girl you can string along!
  9. I'll string along with your plan and see what happens.
  10. The drill string will bear side forces along with the direction of rotary motion velocity and enlarge the whirling motion.
  11. I string along an eager kid with promises I'll pay him money.
  12. He found he couldn't string along with all their unrealistic notions.
  13. She decided to string along with the others as she has nothing else to do.
  14. Most of the employees decide to string along the old firm.
  15. She took up some scissors and a reel of white string. If necessary, pull a strand of yarn along the crosswise grain, and cut along this yarn.
  16. Liz: He ran off ( eloped) with another woman and of course I realize he was trying to string me along.
  17. She wasn't happy on the trip, but she had no other recourse than to string along with the group.
  18. Some conclude that the Shias have no real intention to share power, only to string America along while using its firepower to destroy rivals and entrench their own dominion.
  19. The plan included a string of at least 10 terminals along the coast, and a target to lift the share of LNG in domestic energy from 0 to 8 to 10 per cent by the end of the decade.
  20. If you took the sun away, it would be like cutting the string that provides the pull and in that case what you would see is that the planets would just take off along a straight line.
  21. Given a search path ( a string of directories with a separator in between), you need to find the first file along the path whose name is as requested.
  22. He'll string along if he gets bored.
  23. I'll string along with someone who's driving into the capital.
  24. However, as a result of its mystique and complexity, correlative texts which on insanity topic will usually string along with conspicuous metaphor, especially in contemporary western films.
  25. Since 1930s the US Army Corps of Engineers has built and operated a string of 8 hydropower stations along the lower Columbia and Snake River and adult and juvenile salmon passages are maintained with various measures.
  26. Design aims at not only the magnificent and the renovation of structure, but also how to combine steel and form, and at the same time, embody the rational form art which string along with the logic of material and structure.
  27. In tube inspection by surface wave EMAT, two string ultrasonic propagating along circumference opposite direction will meet under the transducer after going around the tube for one circle.
  28. When pull the string cable construction process, with the input of the tensile force along with the changing conditions of the boundary displacement and the generation of these changes, the entire structure of the force is also constantly changing.



  1. move or come along

      Synonym:    string